Saturday, October 17, 2009


Viruses are organisms that nonseluler, this is the mark by not possess a cell structure in general, such as the absence of the plasma membrane even the stage of life [organell] was not there, but the activity of a cell's life occurred in organell, then to satisfy all their needs, viruses depend on other living cells.
Virus Characteristics
Her body 1 is covered by seludang protein called kapisd
2 contains only one nucleic acid [RNA or DNA alone]
3 only live on living cells, beyond that dead
4 reproduction, by way of replication / duplication of nucleic acids
5 is not influenced by antibiotics [sangt effective drugs to fight bacteria]
The size and shape of the virus
The virus has a very renik size of between 25-300 um [1 um = 1/1.000.000m] viruses are so small that the polio virus [poliovirus]. Length of his body only 25 um, virus which is very large bacterial viruses that attack the body 100 um and the tobacco mosaic virus [TMV] a body length 300 um
The virus has a variety of forms there is a round, rod, polihidris [polygons) basil, kokul, T, thorn, thorns, oval, round-shaped viruses such as influenza virus and the virus that causes AIDS virus oval. viruses such as rabies, rod-shaped viruses such as tobacco mosaic virus, a virus such as polihidris whereas the virus that causes fever viruses such as the T attack bacteria.
The role of viruses
a. Beneficial
1. Making vaccines
2. In genetic engineering for junior fashion cure or prevention of certain infectious diseases.
3. Chromosome mapping
4. Taming the premises pathogen infects bacteria into the cell profage
b. Adverse
Viruses can be harmful because it causes various types of diseases caused to human, animals, and plants.
1. Virus that attacks humans
a. Hepatitis
Viruses: hepatitis A caused by hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Attacking: Exercise
Symptoms: Weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, fever, pain over the abdomen and feel hard, mengunung skin and eyes.
Transmission: Hepatitis A is spread through food and water yangterkontaminasi HAV. BdanC hepatitis transmitted through sexual contact, food from the same container, contact with the wound or the baby when born.
b. Hespers
Virus: Herpertoviridae
Attack: the skin and lining of the lenders in the mouth and lips, genitals
Symptoms: There are two types of herpes virus attack came just Merman mucus in the mouth, causing fever bibirdan. There is also a type of attack only hesperyang type genitals, so menyababkan pain in the genitals. Virus hespers second type can also cause encephalitis.
Transmission: herpes virus enters the body through small cuts, the baby at birth or through sexual contact.
c. Polio
Virus: three types of polio virus called poliovirus, including picornavirus family
Attack: the nervous system
Symptoms: early symptoms of fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, and nausea. When he started to attack the nerves, Hereinafter arise two kinds of symptoms. The first symptom is no paralysis. Symptoms usually do not cause permanent damage kematiaandan. The second symptom of his permanent disability arise. Usually the symptoms appear in children aged 1-5 years. The symptoms of both can cause death. Percentage of mortality rates in adults who attacked higher compared to attacks on small children.
Transmission: the polio virus enters the body through the mouth.
d. Smallpox
Viruses: spherical virus varicella-zoster virus (VZV), poxviruses
Attacking: liver, spleen, and other organdalam, but biasanyamenyerangmemran mucus (lenders) and mulit cells kilut
Symptoms: fever initially, nausea, headache, muscle pain .2 to 3 days later appeared nodule nodule on the skin surface
Transmission: through direct contact with patients.
e. Mumps
Virus: Pareamyxovirus
Attacking: salivary glands and nerve jaringa
Symptoms: Fever, sore body, kehilanga appetite, dry throat, and swelling in the neck.
Transmission lawat air
f. Influenza
Viruses: adenovirus, Orthomyxovirus
Nestle: Channel respiratory
Symptoms of muscle pain, fatigue, hidungpilek, fever, and sneezing.
Airborne transmission
g. Measles
Virus: Paramyxovirus
Attacking: skin epithelial cells
Symptoms: 12 days after exposure to the virus paramyxovirus will kimbul fever, sneezing, runny nose, cough, and swollen neck glands. Four days later, appeared red spots on the body. 2-3 days later, fever and merada spots were gone.
Transmission: by air
Virus: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Attack: the immune system or immune system
Symptoms: early symptoms of HIV-infected people are fever, sore throat, lymph node pembesan, skin rash, and joint pain. After that, the virus has an incubation period that experienced mass vakubasiitu patient or virus. In this period, no symptoms whatsoever. The incubation period varies from several months to 10 years. Only then, the symptoms of AIDS appear. When people already have AIDS, her immune system was very weak. AIDS patient's body easily in the attack of bacteria, protozoa, fungi, other viruses as well. Cancer is also often found in people with AIDS.
Transmission: occurs through various means, namely sexual intercourse, by needle injection drug users, through blood transfusion, also the mother to the baby born.

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